
Support Curricular & Instructional Planning 

Explore ways to use SAT Suite data and the Pre-AP Program to guide classroom instruction and identify areas of improvement.

Support Every Student

Program: SAT

Description: Educators use data from the SAT Suite of Assessments to accurately assess the ability level of their students, identifying those who should follow an accelerated learning path and those who may require additional support to stay on track.  

How: "There’s often a gap in knowledge acceptability between state testing and SAT testing, and the SAT Suite allows our school to gauge real college-level abilities. For example, a student who may pass the state test, STAAR, may not do well on the SAT. Then we know they may not be ready for college-level classes and need to increase rigor and support."—Harun Bozdag, Principal, Harmony Science Academy, TX

Shared by: Harmony Science Academy, TX

Using Data to Inform Curricular and Instructional Focus

Program: SAT

Description: Administrators implemented the SAT Suite of Assessments and utilized the year-to-year data, at the cohort and building levels, to support teachers in identifying curricular areas for improvement to inform their instructional planning.  

How: "We've used the SAT Suite of Assessments to improve our curricular and instructional focus as we try to provide the best education possible to our students. Our spring assessment scores serve as our jumping-off point each fall to explore what curricular and instructional areas our school wants to focus on for the coming year. This year-to-year data, at the cohort level and the building level, help our teachers to identify ’low-hanging fruit.’ The data show us to be close to success but that we need a little adjustment to our approach. The data also help to show us any areas that might need immediate attention if we see any glaring deficiencies. Just as importantly, these data highlight our many successes and allow the staff at Sandusky Jr./Sr. High School to feel validated about our efforts."—Steve Carlson, Principal, Sandusky Community Schools, MI

Shared by: Sandusky Community Schools, MI

Prepare All Students for Advanced Learning 

Program: Pre-AP

Description: The Pre-AP Program was implemented as a schoolwide initiative to help provide students with the motivating, grade-level-appropriate instructional content they needed to succeed in high school and beyond.

How: They held community meetings with students and parents to explain how Pre-AP provides rigorous, grade-level instruction that helps students learn and grow.

They also scheduled weekly professional learning community (PLC) meetings to give teachers the opportunity to meet and collaborate as a team to plan and incorporate the Pre-AP shared principles and frameworks into their courses. 

We’re a Title 1 school, and 75% of our students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Our school grade has consistently been a C, for the past several years. Here in Florida, schools are rated and graded, but we’re moving in the direction of a B, and that’s with the support of Pre-AP.” —Dr. Jazrick Haggins, Principal, Spoto High School, FL

Learn more about Spoto High School’s success story.

Shared by: Spoto High School, FL